Monday, May 17, 2010

4 Month Check Up

Amelia had her 4 month check up today. She is 15 lbs 13 oz (89th percentile) and 25 1/2 inches long (93rd percentile) and was pronounced perfect in every way by her pediatriciam, but of course I already knew that ;) She had two shots which she did not cry at all for -- the first one she literally did not make a sound and the second one she said "Eh!!" and that was the end of that ;) Unfortunately poor pumpkin has a 103.3 degree fever now; she spiked a temp with her 2 month shots too. But she is dosed with tylenol and sleeping soundly.

In other news we had our carpets steam cleaned this afternoon and although they are not fully dry yet, they look markedly better. We'll see if they still look as good once they dry, but right now you can barely see the numerous diet Coke spills and sundry other stains we had accumulated over six years.

Tomorrow I have my mother's helper coming from 10a to 12p; I am looking forward to meeting her and getting to make black bean and kielbasa soup without having to entertain Charlie next to a boiling pot. I'll be sure to blog about how it goes!

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