Tuesday, May 18, 2010

And We Have A Babysitter!

We had a very successful morning with Meg, the babysitter/mother's helper I found on sittercity.com. Charlie had a fun time playing with her, and if she was completely grossed out by the nest of baby spiders and the two "very tiny centipedes" that Charlie dragged her outside to investigate while she was here, she was a good sport about it. I, meanwhile, was able to get a pot of black bean and kielbasa soup made, pack diaper bags, backpacks and lunches/bottles for tomorrow, get a load of laundry started, & clean up the kitchen while she was here.

She is coming back for more of the same two weeks from today, and then I have her lined up for some actual babysitting -- yay!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Nothing new-a mother's helper/sitter always has been a Godsend.