Friday, September 30, 2011

Not So Sick Day

Charlie came home from school Wednesday afternoon with a fever (clearly caught from Amelia's contagion earlier in the week) and Mike stayed home with him on Thursday. With his temperature still at 102 at 5pm on Thursday I called out of work for Friday and told Charlie he would be staying home another day, this time with me.

Charlie woke up this morning bright and early and his usual chipper self, ready for his day home with Mom. No fever, but I was still skeptical since Amelia's bug had lasted a full 48 hours. However by the time 10am rolled around and he was still perfectly fine, I decided I wasn't going to stay in the house and let him beat me at air hockey all day. So we went to the mall, where we had lunch and did some shopping. I discovered that Charlie's feet had grown by a size and a half since I had last bothered to buy him shoes (oops) and procured him a pair of khaki pants for picture day that don't have mustard stains all over them.

I also discovered that Charlie inherited Mike's sense of direction, not mine (thank god!) as he navigated me around the mall: "Mom, Chipotle is right down THIS way..."

All in all it was a fun day and I am happy to report that Charlie seems to be fully over his bug.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Must Be...

Getting close(r) to Halloween!
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Monday, September 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Grammy!

We made it up to New Hampshire yesterday to celebrate Grammy Robinson's birthday a few days early; Charlie enjoyed what is probably the last of the fishing and although Amelia was sick with a fever she rallied enough to eat some birthday cake. Happy birthday again Grammy! Here are a few pictures from our visit:

Monday, September 19, 2011

First Homework Assignment!

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King Richard's Faire

We took the kids to King Richard's Faire yesterday for the first time. There was lots going on and Charlie had a great time. Aside from the above pictured pony ride he got to try his hand at throwing darts, throwing stars, and shooting crossbows. Amelia was unimpressed, and we were unimpressed at the price of the food ($8 for an ear of corn? $16 for a turkey leg? Really?) but otherwise we had a good time.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Busy Day In Boston

We had a full day in Boston with Grammy Bess and Grampy Paxton today. We started out at Legal Seafood Harborside, which is the flagship Legal Seafood and among other things has a fish market, three floors of restaurants and, the draw for us, an indoor trout pond that they let kids fish from on the weekends. The trout, unfortunately, were far too smart to actually take bait from a hook, so the only person who actually caught anything was Mike, who was patiently using a net.

From Legal Seafood we went to the New England Aquarium, which has a new shark and ray touch tank, and also, much to Charlie's delight, has a large anaconda that eats mice.

After the aquarium we walked to Mike's Pastries in the North End where I shamelessly bypassed the block long 3 deep line to get a dozen cannolis. (Only rookies stand in line at Mike's Pastries, I swear!)

I forgot my camera, so here is the best I could do for pictures from the day.
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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Not Enough Bad Guys

ME: "What did you read at story time today?"
CHARLIE: "A story about a monster with the body of a wolf and spines down its back and three heads like a serpent who ate a baby."
ME: "Really?!?"
CHARLIE: "No... It was a story about a kindergartener and it didn't even have any monsters OR bad guys in it, it was so boring I could hardly stand it."

Monday, September 12, 2011

Successful First Day

Charlie's first day of kindergarten turned out to be a success- he proclaimed it to be "awesome", with much to praise including gym, recess and lunch ("The pizza sticks were DELICIOUS!") He did, however, note that kindergarten involved "some very hard things, like making you raise your hand before you can talk."
Here is my little man getting off the school bus this afternoon:

On The Bus!

First day of school so far so good, we successfully got on the bus this morning!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Catching The Last Of The Summer Rays

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Kindergarten Orientation

We had Charlie's kindergarten orientation this afternoon, with his first day being Monday (the kindergarteners start a week later than the rest of the school district.)

The afternoon was very informative, with an introductory talk from the principal, the school nurse and the cafeteria director. Charlie was less than interested in all of the above and sat through it while licking my arm and head butting me like some kind of lost kitten. He was much more interested when we finally got to go to his classroom, even holding out his hand for a handshake when he met his teacher and teacher's aide. He seems to be excited at least to ride the bus, to play on a playground with monkey bars on a regular basis, and to play basketball, which he has been promised he can do on the afternoons he stays for the after school program.

And while I am less than convinced that my child will not get lost (get on the wrong bus, get on the right bus on the wrong day, the possibilities seem endless) I suppose I am cautiously optimistic.

We'll be sure to give a full report on Monday after Charlie's first day!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Right On Cue...

Fall weather has arrived...

Friday, September 2, 2011

First And Last

Me and Charlie on his first day at Toddler Tech PreSchool on 7/24/06:

Me and Charlie on his last day at Toddler Tech PreSchool on 9/2/11!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The End Of An Era

I.e Charlie's last day of daycare cupcakes.
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