Friday, September 30, 2011

Not So Sick Day

Charlie came home from school Wednesday afternoon with a fever (clearly caught from Amelia's contagion earlier in the week) and Mike stayed home with him on Thursday. With his temperature still at 102 at 5pm on Thursday I called out of work for Friday and told Charlie he would be staying home another day, this time with me.

Charlie woke up this morning bright and early and his usual chipper self, ready for his day home with Mom. No fever, but I was still skeptical since Amelia's bug had lasted a full 48 hours. However by the time 10am rolled around and he was still perfectly fine, I decided I wasn't going to stay in the house and let him beat me at air hockey all day. So we went to the mall, where we had lunch and did some shopping. I discovered that Charlie's feet had grown by a size and a half since I had last bothered to buy him shoes (oops) and procured him a pair of khaki pants for picture day that don't have mustard stains all over them.

I also discovered that Charlie inherited Mike's sense of direction, not mine (thank god!) as he navigated me around the mall: "Mom, Chipotle is right down THIS way..."

All in all it was a fun day and I am happy to report that Charlie seems to be fully over his bug.

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