Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tantrum Girl

7:10am: The first tantrum of the day. Amelia wants Charlie's swim goggles, Charlie won't give them to her. She stamps, shrieks, screams and flings a Scooby Doo action figure across the floor.

7:20am: Tantrum number two. I am in the kitchen making chocolate chip pancakes, so don't even know what this one is about, except that it ends with Amelia flinging herself at Charlie and biting him in the small of the back.

7:50am: Tantrum number three. Amelia wants to wear Charlie's crocs to the bus stop. Aside from them being about eight times too big for her, we had about an inch of snow last night. She screams, arches her back, falls on the floor dramatically when she is forced to wear her boots.

10:30am: Tantrum number four. It is time to leave the library and Amelia is sitting in a chair in the periodicals section with a book on oceanography (which arguably looks like it shouldn't even be in the children's library) in her lap. She throws a huge hissy fit when I make her leave the book behind: "I READING THAT BOOK! I READING THAT BOOK!" More kicking, screaming and flailing.

12:15pm: Tantrum number five: We are waiting for Charlie at the bus stop and Amelia has jumped in the same deep puddle about five times. I warn her that if she jumps in it again I will put her back in her stroller. She jumps. She carries on kicking and screaming while I put her back in her stroller. She is still screaming when Charlie gets off the bus. He looks at her warily. "What's wrong with my sister?"

12:35pm: Tantrum number six: We get to the bagel shop for lunch and Charlie really has to pee. He grabs the key to the mens room as I follow with Amelia. As soon as he goes into the bathroom and we stay out in the hall Amelia throws another screaming fit, apparently because a) she did not get to go into the men's room with Charlie and b) the back hallway is very echo-y and is a good place to listen to yourself scream.

12:50pm: Tantrum number seven: The bagel place is out of plain bagels. I get Amelia a honey wheat bagel instead, but this apparently is an unacceptable substitute; she refuses to take a single bite and hurls it across the table. When it becomes clear that she won't be getting anything else, she grudgingly takes it back and licks the cream cheese off.

1:40pm: Tantrum number eight: Amelia attempts a beeline for the street while I am unlocking the front door. I grab her and carry her in the house under my arm like a football while she screams "Get away! Get away!"

4:10pm: After a blessedly long nap it is time for tantrum number nine: I tell Amelia we are going to sit on the potty. She turns around, runs back upstairs to her room, flings herself on the floor and yells "NO I POOP IN MY DIAPER!"

4:40pm: Tantrum number ten: This one Charlie basically brings on on purpose, sitting down in my lap and then turning to look at Amelia, who predictably starts screaming "NO MY LAP! MY MOMMY'S LAP!!"

5:30pm Tantrum number eleven: Again brought on by Charlie, who stops in front of Amelia's DVD player and is blocking the screen. Amelia launches herself at him. "MY SCOOBY DOO!" More stamping feet and screaming.

6:30pm: Tantrum number twelve: Another one that I don't even know what it is about. I bring Amelia upstairs to brush teeth and get ready for bed. Next thing I know she is throwing a temper tantrum at herself in the mirror of my bedroom. She hits the mirror, screeches and then actually leans over and attempts to bite her own reflection.

6:45pm: BEDTIME!!
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1 comment:

Grandma said...

Very descriptive-I can almost see the illustrations for the children's book you are going to write as therapy. LOL