Monday, April 30, 2012

Busy Day of A Busy Week

Today was one of those non stop days! After seeing Charlie on the bus I came back to the house and got a triple batch of southwestern chicken taco filling into the crock pot. Then I got Amelia and myself up and dressed (yes we take Charlie to the bus in our pjs) and we headed off to Amelia's story time at the library. After story time I decided that since we were sort of halfway there already, I might as well take a walk over to the yoga studio where I started yoga class tonight, to see how far of a walk it was. I determined that it was a pretty far walk ;) After that we went clear across town to Iparty to pick up supplies and balloons for Charlie's birthday. At home again, I fixed lunch and wrapped Charlie's birthday presents, then got snacks/diaper bag ready for Taekwon do. After that I had about one nanosecond to rest before it was time to get Charlie from the bus stop, wrestle him into his Taekwon do uniform, throw a granola bar at him, and head off to class. After class it was homework, dinner, tubs & bedtime (for Amelia anyway)and then it was off to yoga class for me, which involved a half hour walk each way. So the upshot is, I am beat!! Top it off with the fact that a) Amelia was up at 5:45am and didn't take a nap, b)Charle was up with a bad dream last night that required me to sleep in his bed with him for 2 hours and c) I, as always, had to walk everywhere I went today so figure I clocked about 5 miles... Dinner & drinks tomorrow at Red Sky, I am counting down!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

nowonder you have varicose veins?