Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Busy Week Ahead

At some point today I realized I have a whole lot of stuff to do in the next week! Charlie's birthday is a week from tomorrow and requires a list in and of itself ~ I have to order both his birthday cake and the cupcakes he'll be taking to school to share with his class, I have to buy and wrap his birthday presents, I have to get together little goody bags (how about just a pencil a piece?) for Charlie's classmates, I have to get organized and packed for Charlie's birthday trip to the Cape a week from Saturday, because even one night away with the kids requires an inordinate amount of packing....

On the non birthday front I have to schedule the below mentioned mammogram and vascular appointments, fill out and return the application for Charlie to attend the summer program at Toddler Tech, fill out and return the application for the after school program for next year, and somewhere in there I am working all weekend and starting a yoga class Monday night (which I have to call & register for.) Oh and we also need to get Charlie to some extra taekwon do lessons next week (in addition to the three he normally does) because we are driving back up from the Cape on Sunday in time for him to test for his yellow belt Sunday afternoon... Whew! I better get started with something...
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1 comment:

Amanda said...

glad to see i'm not the only one with a crazy upcoming schedule ;)