Monday, April 8, 2013

Happiness Essays

Charlie's class had to write "happiness essays" today. Charlie's teacher sent home not one but two essays with Charlie this afternoon, because one of the other students wrote his happiness essay about Charlie.

Here it is:

"One time I met a person named Charlie. He was cool. We did arts and crafts. We played with each other with toys. He told me about salamanders. We were best friends. I wish I had him in 2nd grade. Friends forever!"

Charlie, of course, wrote his about snakes. Specifically about catching 3 snakes at Katie's Labor Day barbecue, although he refers to her as his cousin because, well, he thinks she is even though I have corrected him about this a hundred times. Here is his:

"I was very happy because I was going to my cousin's house. I was happy because there was always snakes at their house. I was looking very hard and do you know what I found 3 snakes in one day! I was so happy. I love when I am happy."

So there you go, Charlie's poor little friend has to take a back seat to snakes, as do the rest of us.

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