Sunday, January 4, 2015

One Step Forward And Two (Or Three?) Steps Back

Aka a Rebecca update. 

Rebecca is still a spazz. She still will go the entire day without eating because people are in the house. The other day she freaked out and pooped on the floor because Charlie walked into the house and said, "What smells so good?? Did you bake cookies?!" 

But on the other hand she seems to be gaining weight and her coat is looking healthier. She is definitely eating more regularly. She seems to like being out in the backyard. Today she jumped up on my lap because there were girls scouts at the door. After I got up, I came back and sat down a little while later and called her over, and she came and jumped up on my lap again. 

So maybe little by little she is getting better?? But I still think doggy anti anxiety meds are in her not too distant future. 

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