Sunday, May 31, 2015

Another Southern Sunday

Afternoon at the pool followed by tandoori chicken burgers and homemade chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

And In Other News...

Jasper's legs just keep getting longer. 

Color Run Charlotte

Mike and Charlie ran their first 5K this morning, the Color Run, where participants are doused with colored powder which when mixed with sweat turns into a paint like substance ;-) 

Mike reported that Charlie was able to run about a mile and a half before needing to walk, and both boys had a good time :-) We girls got to cheer them on at the finish line. Charlie liked his orange tinted hair so much after the run that he refused to wash it and is now requesting to dye his hair orange ;-)

Friday, May 29, 2015

Pre K Graduate

Amelia graduated from pre-k today. The festivities included singing, introductions from all the graduates, a demonstration of all the skills the graduates learned over the year, dinner, cake, a slideshow of baby pictures -- in general the longest and most elaborate pre-k graduation I ever hope I have to attend ;-) 

Amelia insisted that she shower and have me blow dry and curl her hair for the occasion. Upon getting her diploma she asked excitedly, "Am I going to need this to get a job some day??" 

Here are pictures of my little graduate! (Who actually has 2 more weeks at Chesterbrook Academy but who's counting?)

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Nothing Like A Doggy Friend

Strawberry Picking

Mandy and I took the kids (excluding Ben who had to study for his science EOG) strawberry picking this morning at Wise Acres organic farm in Indian Trail. It was the kids' first time strawberry picking -- apparently NC is the 4th largest producer of strawberries in the U.S and although this is late in the season there were still berries to be found. 

The homemade strawberry ice cream from said strawberry picking is still a work in progress...

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Another Summer At The JCC!

The JCC pool opened today and we are looking forward to another summer spent there!

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Dreaded EOGs Are Over!!

Charlie took his EOGs yesterday and today. To celebrate the completion of the dreaded End of Grade exams we took the kids to Carowinds this evening. The lines ranged from 20 minutes to non existent so Charlie was able to get on the new roller coaster-- the Fury-- as well as riding most of the other roller coasters in the park. He managed to get me on The Vortex (my first upside down roller coaster) and another ride that involved going waaaay to high up in the air and spinning around. Ugh. 

Amelia also went on her first roller coaster -- a little kiddie one which she still thoroughly hated -- that's my girl ;-)

Here are some pictures, mostly of the rides Charlie insisted on going on. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

My Shark

Not to be left out, Charlie is on the swim team this year too! This means mommy is sentenced to being at the pool for practice Monday through Thursday from 3:30 to 5:15 until school lets out. Not to mention the 4 swim meets for which volunteering is mandatory. (Uhh isn't that an oxymoron?) 

But really I'm thrilled to see Charlie back in the pool and to see that he is still a strong swimmer! 

Here's my Shark!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Some Ideas Are Better On Paper

We took the kids and the dog to the greenway for a walk and picnic lunch today. Between waiting a half hour for the bakery by the greenway to make our sandwiches, whining kids and a dog that basically needed to be carried most of the way back, it was definitely an idea that was better on paper! Although Charlie did see a frog and a cottonmouth so he was thrilled. I'm thinking next time we skip the picnic and go again when Jasper's legs are longer ;-)

You Know What This Means...

Time to start training for my first triathlon!!

Fun On The Slip 'N Slide

Gotta get creative when the pool doesn't open for another week...

Friday, May 15, 2015

A Night Out 1920s Style

Mike and I went to my friend Marina's wedding this evening, a 1920s "Great Gatsby" themed affair. We rented Mike's tux and our accessories from Backstage Vintage, a store uptown which specializes in replica and antique outfits and accessories. Although the guests took the theme to heart and there were plenty of flapper headbands around, we apparently had the best outfits because we were asked by numerous strangers, the wedding photographer and the manager of the venue for pictures. We also had complete strangers coming up to us saying "I took this picture of you, do you want it?" 

Here are bunches of pics, I have to say it was the funnest wedding I've been to!