Saturday, May 9, 2015

Jasper Update

We took Jasper to the vet for the first time today. He needed 3 shots to be up to date with all his vaccinations, so isn't due again for another year. 

The vet said that if he had to guess, he would say that Jasper's adult weight will be *gulp* 90 lbs! He weighed in today at 28 lbs, and the vet said he is a beautiful specimen of a chocolate lab; perfectly shaped head, etc. (He better be, for the price we paid for him!) 

He checked his stool for worms and his ears for mites and declared him perfectly healthy. I was concerned about his eyes because he tends to get a lot of little eye crusties and they can look a little red but the vet said it was actually just mild allergies because apparently who isn't allergic to the pollen around here? 

We have to stop by in one month to get his weight because he can't be given a six months' supply of flea/tick & heartworm meds until his weight starts to level off so we have to go month to month for the next two months or so. The vet said he expects that he'll weigh at least 40 lbs in a month!

In other Jasper news he has only had 1 accident in the house since Wednesday but I'm not sure which one of us is trained, me or him?? I've just figured out how often/when to let him out to avoid an accident lol. 

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