Monday, September 7, 2015

Busy Not-So-Holiday Weekend

Saturday involved grocery shopping and taking the kids to get equipped for flag football and soccer, which both start next Saturday. We also took them to see the movie Ant-Man, at Charlie's request. Charlie enjoyed it and Amelia fell fast asleep -- mental note, 6:50pm movie showings are past her bedtime... 

On Sunday I did an 11 mile run, took Amelia and Rebecca to the pool one last time before it closed for the season, and helped Heather load up two car loads full of stuff from her apartment to her new house, as they have to be out of the apartment by next Monday. 

Today I had a busy day at work, while Mike worked a half day from home and then took the kids and dog for a walk at the greenway after lunch where Charlie caught the below pictured baby snapping turtle:
After I got home Charlie's friend Lorenzo's mom called to see if he wanted to come over for a play date, so she picked him up and we collected him at six, on our way out to dinner for Mike's birthday (which is tomorrow but I have curriculum night at the kids' school so we won't be able to celebrate.) 

Busy busy!! 

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