Thursday, September 3, 2015

Dogs And Ibuprofen Don't Mix

Just in case you were wondering, dogs and ibuprofen don't mix. 

On Sunday afternoon Jasper managed to get into a bottle of ibuprofen that was left out on the kitchen counter. We found him chewing on the empty bottle, with the pills scattered on the floor. Several of them had been chewed/licked but there wasn't any way to tell if/how many he might have eaten before he decided the bottle itself was more interesting. 

A quick Google search showed that ibuprofen is extremely toxic to dogs and that symptoms (vomiting) usually occur within an hour. I decided to wait and see how he was. 

He was totally fine that night and all day Monday, seeming like his usual self until Monday evening when he didn't eat dinner and began vomiting and having diarrhea. Not sure if this was from the ibuprofen exposure or possibly just Caroline's stomach bug that maybe had been passed to Jasper, I looked on the internet again and read that while symptoms usually occur within an hour they can be delayed by as much as one to two days and that 1 200mg ibuprofen can be fatal to a small or medium sized dog. 

With that information we decided it was best that Mike take him to the emergency veterinary clinic down the street. Once there they checked his blood work and kidneys which both came back fine so they guessed that he only ate enough to cause stomach upset and not the gastrointestinal bleeding that can cause death. 

To be on the safe side they sent him home with a bunch of pills to be taken for the next couple days, every eight hours. Jasper was sluggish on Tuesday but was back to his normal chipper self by Wednesday and today continues to seem 100% recovered. 

And the ibuprofen is now in a drawer in my bathroom instead of in the kitchen cabinet so it can't accidentally be left out again. 

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