Sunday, September 20, 2015

Running Social & Running Update

Last night Mike and I went to our first dinner party in Charlotte (or probably our first dinner party ever?) It was hosted by one of the guys I run with and his wife, and was for all of us Beverly Crest runners and their spouses. Since he lives all of two streets over, we just walked over once our babysitter arrived. We had a fun evening -- it was nice to get to see people not dressed in their running clothes and when I wasn't half asleep ;-) We had to make it a relatively early night though, since I only had the babysitter until 11 and because I had to run 14 miles this morning. 

Which brings me to the other part of my update: I ran 14 miles this morning ;-) A look ahead at the training schedule has me cringing for the next 5 weeks: for the next 2 Sundays I have to run 16 miles, then 17, 18 & 20 before it drastically tapers down approaching marathon day. 

Bring on week 9, I guess...!

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