Thursday, June 19, 2008

Home Sick With A Sick Two Year Old

This is not ever a good combination. In fact, it is a pretty dreadful one.

It started last night at 4am when I was lying awake feeling extremely queasy and sorry for myself.

At 4:45am Charlie threw up. Figures, the kid goes and steals my thunder, I think, as a day curled up in bed feeling sorry for myself dissolves before my eyes. Maybe it was a fluke, I think hopefully, and he will be fine to go to daycare in a couple hours,

5:16am: Charlie pukes again.

The rest of the day goes something like this:

10:06am: "Mama -- get uuup...." We are lying in front of the tv watching Dinosaurs. Well, that is what I wished we were doing.
"Mama's sick honey; mama can't get up."
10:07am: "Mama -- play cars!"
"Okay bud..." I drag myself across the floor as waves of nausea roll over me, and lie down in front of his hotwheels. "Okay let's play cars..."
10:09am: "Mama -- get uup.... Play water! Play water outside..."

Let's just say it was a very looog morning...

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