Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Potty Training

We are entering uncharted two year-old territory this summer: potty training. I am proud to say that Charlie is two for two on attempts to pee in the potty this week! However, it was brought to my attention by a well meaning co-worker that I am teaching Charlie that he needs to be naked in order to use the potty.

You see, we started potty training before his tubby so naturally, he is well, naked. Now when he sits on the potty he will not do his business until all articles of clothing have been removed: "Mama -- sock!" (Sticking out foot so the offending sock can be removed.)

"You realize he will be seven and stripping off all his clothes to go to the bathroom," my co-worker helpfully pointed out this afternoon.

Well... we'll cross that bridge when we come to it...

1 comment:

Amanda said...

i love the strategically placed bunny.