Tuesday, June 24, 2008

One Of Those Nights

Charlie is having one of those nights. You know, one of those nights where he is just not falling asleep and I am in there every 5 minutes fielding requests:

"Mama -- blanket!!" This means that the blanket he uses for a pillow has a minute drool stain on it or some such and must be rearranged in such a way that the offending two tufts of fiber are nowhere near Charlie's cheek or any other body part.

"Mama -- poops!!" No honey, you do not have a poopy diaper. Mommy can smell your poopy diapers from a mile away.

"Mama -- diaper!!" The poopy diaper has failed and a vain attempt ensues to convince me that there is something else fundamentally wrong with his diaper that requires changing.

"Mama -- water!!" A request to top off his nighttime sippy cup.

And the latest (presumably he has run out of all other options):

"Mama -- kiss feet!!"

Go to sleep honey... please....

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Ha Ha! Stop going in there ;)