Sunday, January 4, 2009

Ice Skating Attempt

We ambitiously decided to take Charlie ice skating this afternoon at the rink here in town that offers a free skate every saturday and sunday from 2p-4p. The timing meant that Charlie had to miss his nap, but I dutifully taped together two milk crates for him to push along the ice, as I had been instructed to do by co-workers who had taken similarly aged children ice skating.

Going during nap time was our first mistake. Our second was not buying Charlie a properly fitting pair of skates before hand; we relied on renting them at the rink, and the smallest size they had was about 3 sizes too big for Charlie. While I laced them as tight as I could they certainly didn't provide enough ankle support.

The above factors combined so that when I put Charlie on the ice and he couldn't immediately get his footing, he threw a temper tantrum. Temper tantrums while the ice on ice skates with Mom and Dad similarly on ice skates are, well, difficult. After several attempts we called it a day.

But maybe if we got him his own skates...

1 comment:

Amanda said...

maybe you should wait till he is older so that a) he is less temper tantrum prone and b) the skates you buy him will fit for longer than 4 months?