Monday, March 16, 2009

The Trials & Tribulations of Pooping on the Potty

This weekend Charlie successfully pooped on the potty 4 times. "Wonderful!" you say, except you do not know the amount of time, energy, drama, and tears that this entails.

"Have to go change!" Charlie announces, clutching at his behind. If we are lucky we are home and not, say, at the playground or at a restaurant. I bring him to the bathroom and sit him on the potty where he sits for about 2 seconds and then jumps up."I don't want to sit on the potty! Want to go play!" We play for 5 minutes, then it is back to the potty.

Up...down...up....down, like a little jack in the box until he *really* has to go and starts running in circles like a maniac, crying. At this point he must be wrestled onto the potty where he clings to me for dear life sobbing, "Don't wanna go poopy! Read me a story, mommy!" I read to him from his dolphin book (now in the bathroom for expressly this purpose) until he finally manages to do his business, much to the relief of all parties involved.

Boy I hope this gets easier...!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

yeesh i hope so too! Ben's first time pooping on the potty was very traumatic but after that he was fine.