Friday, November 29, 2013

Bathing Buddies

Gluten Free Girl

I brought gluten free bagels that had been recommended by our cousin Peri , to Caroline when we came down to Charlotte yesterday. The bagels, unfortunately needed to actually be cooked, which required an entire hour due to a belatedly noticed malfunctioning toaster oven. After the hour long wait Caroline announced ""Don't like it!!"

Here is Miss Gluten Free Girl not enjoying her bagel:

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgivukah 2013

We had a great Thanksgivukah dinner at the Kaplan house this afternoon with a menu that was impressively a) made from scratch by Mandy and b) entirely gluten free for the benefit of the littlest Kaplan. Here are pictures:

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We're off to see the Kaplan cousins!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sunday, November 24, 2013

I Finally Don't Have To Get In The Water!

(At least not in the baby pool anyway.)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Charlie's First Sick Visit To The Dr Since 2011

He was complaining of an ear ache. Of course there was nothing wrong with him. Amelia 'a 2 cents as Charlie whined about seeing the doctor: "Charlie don't be a freak, the doctor's just going to look in your ears!"

Amelia at 45 Degrees Out

I wonder how she'll do at 22 degrees? Or 12 degrees...?

If At First You Don't Succeed...

Try try again…

Sleepless Nights

Amelia has been going through some sort of a phase where she not only talks in her sleep but apparently also gets up and does random things in her sleep. 

Last week she woke me up in the middle of the night because she was having a bad dream and apparently climbed out of her bed and was sitting in the middle of her bedroom floor when I came upstairs. She was convinced that there was a spider on the floor next to her but I think she was actually still asleep because she didn't actually respond to anything I said. 

On Sunday night Amelia woke up in the middle of the night and called down to me, "Mommy I peed in my bed!"

Baffled I came upstairs to find Amelia standing on her bed with her pajama pants down around her knees and a huge puddle in the middle of her bed. "But you have a pull up on, how did you wet the bed?" I asked, thinking maybe I had put the pull up on backwards and it had leaked or something. 

Amelia seemed just as confused as I was. "I just pulled my pants down and peed in the middle of the bed! I thought I was on the potty!"

Last night we didn't have as much drama but I was still up in Amelia 's room about ten times as she thrashed around and called out in her sleep. At one point she was sitting bolt upright in bed with her eyes closed going "I can't! I can't! I can't!"

At this point I am debating whether or not to put her baby gate back up in case she decides to wander down the stairs in her sleep?? And I'm wondering if I should check in with her doctor to see if this is normal... Ugh!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

First Report Card

Charlie got a good first report card today, with his teacher giving him "outstandings" in interpersonal behavior, including respecting authority, working independently and finishing classroom assignments. Academically he is meeting or exceeding expectations in all areas except for penmanship (big surprise, not) which needs improvement, and topic organization in written expression (ie paragraph formation) which he is still working on but which is a new skill for 2nd grade anyway. His reading and math are both right on target, with his teacher noting that he has good reading comprehension, is reading fluently, and has a good vocabulary. His benchmark testing is all where it is supposed to be (she handed me a stack of benchmark tests which I guess I am supposed to look at eventually) and I, for one, have noticed that Charlie's homework has been much less of a struggle for him than it was last year, even though there's more of it and it's gotten harder. (Of course now I'll have jinxed myself and he'll start throwing tantrums every night.)

So all in all a good first report :-)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Funny Faces

As you can tell Amelia had a little bit of fun playing with my iPhone's camera this afternoon. 

The Chilly Half Marathon

We had a great weekend visiting with grandma and grandpa, and I had a super time running the Chilly Half Marathon this morning with Erin. We had hoped to come in at about 2 hours and 15 minutes and we managed 5 minutes better than that, coming in at 2:10:49 despite the hilly course. Grandma, Grandpa and the kids got to the finish line JUST in time to see us cross, while Mike still was parking the car. Here are some pictures:

Friday, November 8, 2013

Three Is Too Early To Stop Believing

Amelia: "Why do some people have Christmas trees in their yards?"
Me: "They're not really Christmas trees, they're pine trees. "
Amelia: "Is Santa really real?"
Me: "Of course -- who else would bring you presents in the middle of the night?"
Amelia: "Well when it's my birthday you and Dad do..."
Me: "Uhh... Wow, look at all those birds!!"

Way To Go Charlie :-)

Charlie came home today with his eighth straight 100% on his weekly spelling test and his 3rd straight 100% on his reading test  (they just started the reading tests, he has only had three) as well as a certificate for perfect attendance in the 1st quarter. Good job Charlie! Looking forward (I hope lol) to next week's teacher conference!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday Update

We had a pretty quiet weekend here at the Robinson house: after a particularly annoying day at work on Friday where I was told that I, along with the other O.T, would each be receiving a $1.58/hr pay cut effective December 1st, I took a much needed day off on Saturday. We had ambitions to take the kids to the Red Sox parade downtown, but with a 10am start time we were just not motivated enough to get up at the crack of dawn and head into town. Which was just as well, because the kids slept till 8am -- unheard of for them! -- and we had a relaxing day that involved going to the gym and out to lunch. 

Sunday I worked in the morning and then did my last 10 mile run before next weekend's half marathon, which I am starting to get nervous/excited for!! Afterwards Uncle Tom came over to watch the football game with Mike and to play with Charlie's ferret. 

This week we are back to the usual grind, but excited to see Grandma and Grandpa this Saturday!!