Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday Update

We had a pretty quiet weekend here at the Robinson house: after a particularly annoying day at work on Friday where I was told that I, along with the other O.T, would each be receiving a $1.58/hr pay cut effective December 1st, I took a much needed day off on Saturday. We had ambitions to take the kids to the Red Sox parade downtown, but with a 10am start time we were just not motivated enough to get up at the crack of dawn and head into town. Which was just as well, because the kids slept till 8am -- unheard of for them! -- and we had a relaxing day that involved going to the gym and out to lunch. 

Sunday I worked in the morning and then did my last 10 mile run before next weekend's half marathon, which I am starting to get nervous/excited for!! Afterwards Uncle Tom came over to watch the football game with Mike and to play with Charlie's ferret. 

This week we are back to the usual grind, but excited to see Grandma and Grandpa this Saturday!!

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