Tuesday, November 12, 2013

First Report Card

Charlie got a good first report card today, with his teacher giving him "outstandings" in interpersonal behavior, including respecting authority, working independently and finishing classroom assignments. Academically he is meeting or exceeding expectations in all areas except for penmanship (big surprise, not) which needs improvement, and topic organization in written expression (ie paragraph formation) which he is still working on but which is a new skill for 2nd grade anyway. His reading and math are both right on target, with his teacher noting that he has good reading comprehension, is reading fluently, and has a good vocabulary. His benchmark testing is all where it is supposed to be (she handed me a stack of benchmark tests which I guess I am supposed to look at eventually) and I, for one, have noticed that Charlie's homework has been much less of a struggle for him than it was last year, even though there's more of it and it's gotten harder. (Of course now I'll have jinxed myself and he'll start throwing tantrums every night.)

So all in all a good first report :-)

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