Sunday, May 18, 2014

Long Weekend

This weekend was in a word: busy!! Which may be the understatement of the decade. 

Friday night (after being stuck in work until 6pm) I did laundry and began to halfway organize things to pack. 

Saturday morning Grammy and Grampy came over for one last (extremely helpful) visit before the move. While Mike and his dad put in a new garbage disposal, Grammy kept the kids occupied while I packed up most of the clothes that are coming to Charlotte with us instead of storage, and managed to get a bunch of other things organized as well. 

After his parents left, Mike took his box of magic cards (which yes I almost threw out but that's because they were in a binder and I didn't SEE them) to a hobby & game store and sold them for $575 which was a great start to our yardsale weekend. 

He got home shortly before Dave, Deb, Andrew, Phil & Sue arrived. The cousins babysat Charlie & Amelia while Phil, Sue, Tom, Sharon, Mike & I went to the Midwest Grille for dinner, which is probably still my favorite restaurant in Boston.

We didn't get to bed until just about midnight (after drinking large quantities of sangria) and were up and dressed bright and early this morning getting ready for our yard sale. I had put an ad on craigslist Friday night advertising it from 9am to 2pm, but people started showing up earlier than that, so that Mike and I even had trouble getting everything outside because there were some items of furniture that required 2 people to carry out and there were so many people that I couldn't get away. 

The first 2 hours of the yardsale were extremely busy and then it slowed down. We wound up donating a bunch of stuff to good will and leaving a bunch curbside afterwards, but the trash pickers made short work of that. Between the yardsale, the pre-yard sale (letting my co-workers have first dibs at a bunch of stuff) and a few items we sold on craigslist who's profits did NOT go to the ferret vet bill we made about $560, a great start to a week that will involve gas money, food, tolls, hotel rooms, packing supplies, car maintenance stuff, paying the Comcast balance when we turn in the cable boxes... So really if the money lasts till Thursday I'll be impressed ;-)

After the yard sale Mike went out to donate a bunch of the stuff we didn't sell and to buy packing supplies to pack the TVs because if the packers do it they will charge $150 per tv and we have 3 TVs so that is just crazy.

After he got home we took the kids for dinner and ice cream as a reward for being halfway good during a long day in which they pretty much had to entertain themselves, after they got bored of the yard sale. 

When we got home we took a break for one nano second before we got back to packing and organizing, then put the kids to bed. Mike packed up the computer, video game systems, and un-mounted the tv in our bedroom while I organized all the take-with-us-to-Charlotte stuff into one spot, did a last load of laundry, packed up the ferret play pen and gathered all the kids' electronics to be charged and packed into my backpack for easy access during the car ride. 

Now it is 11pm and Mike & I are both fairly catatonic. Tomorrow the packers will be here at 8, Charlie has to get off to school, Mike has a doctors appointment, car service, and has to drop the modem and cable boxes off at comcast. I have to pick up the kids medical records and grab something at Iparty for Charlie to pass out at school on Tuesday, his last day. And we have to actually get the TVs packed. 

How bad could it be after the last two days, right? 

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