Friday, October 3, 2008

My Day Unraveled.

So here was the plan for today:
Go to work; have a nice productive day getting everything off my plate for my upcoming 3 day weekend. Leave around 3:15ish and go pick up Charlie from daycare. Stop by an ATM on the way home to get some cash so we can order pizza tonight. Get home, get Charlie fed, tubbied and to bed in time for Jessica to arrive sometime around 7ish.
Here's how my day actually went down:
Go to work, get one eval and two treatments done before my cell phone rings at 9:30am. Charlie has tripped over a toy firetruck and busted his lip wide open. Can I please come and take him to the dr. Call the dr -- they say to bring him right in. Catch a ride from the other OTR (thank you Melanie!) to his daycare, pick him up. Can he come back if the dr says he is ok? I ask. Umm no because what if he bumps his lip again? they say rather diffidently. Bundle Charlie, stroller, all of Charlie's crap in Melanie's car and drive to the drs office. Spend an hour having the pediatrician look at him, then the surgical specialist guy. No, they decide, it is not worth it to give him stitches -- he would need to be put under general anaesthesia. Just have him eat soft foods for the next few days and it should heal on its own. (Charlie by this point has completely forgotten about his lip and is his usual rambunctious self.) So I bundle Charlie into the stroller and head back to work where I, wonderful mom that I am, sit him in front of an entire tray of brownies (they're soft, right?) while I write up my eval and other paperwork.
Now I am finally home, with my half assed day done, and Charlie is down for a late nap. Oy. Hopefully the rest of the day will be less hectic!

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