Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I came to the realization on Sunday that Charlie, at two and a half, is more coordinated than I am. This realization occurred during a game of catch, where Charlie caught the baseball every single time and I missed it every single time. I am grateful that Charlie has inherited his father's gross motor coordination rather than mine.

I came to the realization on Monday that while Charlie has inherited his father's coordination he has inherited my singing ability. Or more aptly my singing disability. This realization occurred while we were on the way home from daycare and Charlie was singing his ABCs and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" -- I marvelled that I could not have sung more off key and out of tune myself.

I attempted to get both Charlie's gross motor coordination and singing ability on video so you don't have to take my word for it, but Charlie is at a stage where he basically just throws a tantrum every time I turn the video camera on. I will however, keep trying.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

you mean charlie made it to two and a half before he became more coordinated than you? i would have said more like one and a half.