Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Semi-Annual Plea for Sleep

Pleeeaaaaase!! Let Charlie sleep through the night tonight!! He has woken up every single night this week from approximately 1am to 4am. He cries, I go into his room, he hugs me while looking glassy eyed over my shoulder -- if I ask him what's wrong or what he's looking at I get no response. Then he lies down, I leave, he cries. Lather rinse repeat. Last night I timed it -- the first time I went in it was 1:11am, the last time was 3:48am and there were eight times in between. If I don't go in right when I hear him, he becomes hysterical. This morning when I asked him why he hasn't been sleeping he said: "Scary animals, mama."

So Mike hid his big stuffed elephant (it is in that general vicinity that he is always peering when he wakes up) and I moved his new elephant mobile (also in that general vicinity) to where he can't as easily see it. Tonight for the first time in 3 nights he did not ask me as I was tucking him in if "the animals were sleeping too" so maybe that is a good sign? I dunno. My poor kiddo and my poor sleep deprived self!!

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