Thursday, March 20, 2014

Black Mass

I came home this afternoon to find a flyer that had been placed in the mailbox by a scouting agent for the movie Black Mass, which is based on the life of Whitey Bulger and stars Johnny Depp. It is set to start filming in our area in May and apparently they are currently scouting filming locations. The flyer went on to say that we had received it because the exterior of our home had the look that the producers were going for and asked us to call the scouting agent to set up a time at which he could come back and take some pictures of the inside and outside of the house to pass along to the producers to see if they wanted to shoot a scene or scenes at our house. It specifically said that they were looking for certain "features of the 1970s and 1980s" in the home and that we 'd be compensated for the use of the home, etc. It also gave the number for the Massachusetts Film Association to verify the validity of the project. 

While having a film crew at the house doesn't really mesh well with our plan to put the house on the market April 1st, the prospect is amusing enough to consider calling the guy back. Maybe. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Interesting. Do 'verify validity' though.