Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Busy Tuesday

Today went something like this :
-- Up at 7am, rout the kids out of bed & get Charlie to the bus stop at 8. 
-- Quick breakfast then dressed and off to Amelia's 9:30 gymnastics class. 
-- Class over at 10:15, peel off Amelia's leotard & get her changed then head to the high school track. 
-- Oh good (?) all the snow on the track is melted I actually get to run. Yay. Run 2 miles while pushing Amelia in the stroller which is HARD to do because she is getting bigger and I am out of shape!!
-- Finish run and head to Stop n Shop in hopes they have ferret food and because I promised Amelia a treat for putting up with my 30 degree run. No ferret food, wander around the store & get a bunch of stuff I don't really need instead. 
-- Home (by now it's just before noon). Change out of workout clothes, throw chicken in the crock pot for dinner, make Amelia's lunch, put away one load of laundry and do 2 more. Eat lunch in there somewhere and put away more laundry. Also pack lunches and lay kids' clothes out for tomorrow, renew library books, email realtor and do a slew of other random things. 
-- 2:30, time to get moving again. Change Amelia into another leotard, collect dance shoes & tutu, and head to the bus stop. 
-- Get Charlie off the bus, head straight to dance class while shoving Reese's peanutbutter eggs at him to make up for the fact that he had a full day of school today instead of the usual Tuesday 1/2 day because the 4th graders were doing the long composition part of the MCAS testing. 
-- Stop at the health food store because apparently we can't live without raspberry yogurt covered pretzels. Seriously, we can't. 
-- Get to dance class, wrestle Amelia into her tutu and shoes, pull her hair up & shove her into class. 
-- While she's in class lay on the floor and help Charlie with his homework. ("This is so stupid, why do I have to write 5 facts about starlings??")
-- Class is over at 4:15. Head home & wrestle Amelia out of her leotard. She is now in her THIRD set of clothes for the day. Charlie somehow pees himself so he gets to change into his second outfit of the day. (With some arguing because apparently he feels that sitting butt naked from the waist down at the computer while playing Minecraft is not only ok but actually highly preferable to going upstairs and getting another pair of pants. ) 
-- Preheat oven, go about getting dinner on the table. 
-- Mike comes home, get dinner on the table. Yell at children because as usual they are asking how many bites do they have to eat before they get dessert, before their little butts even hit their chairs. Remind them of starving children in Africa, blah blah blah. 
-- Finish dinner, escape out the door for a two hour hair appointment via Starbucks. 
-- It's 8:00, home to wrestle both kids in to bed and take a shower. 
Ready for the work week to start !!

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