Monday, March 3, 2014

Weekend Recap

We had a fairly quiet weekend all things considered. Saturday I worked, but got out early enough to be roped into watching Return of the Jedi when I came home. Mike has been forcing the children to watch all the Star Wars episodes in order & this marked the last one. I can't help but think that Charlie is fairly relieved that his Star Wars watching obligation is over ;-)

On Sunday I worked from 7am to noon and then headed over to the Taekwon Do studio where Charlie was testing for his red stripe. He was the youngest of five kids testing for their red stripe and I thought he did great although Charlie says he couldn't wipe the smile off his face during the test and that he kept wanting to laugh. Well, I couldn't tell. 

After the test (which lasted from 11am to almost 2, poor kids) we headed over to Cheesecake Factory for a late lunch. Even though we got there a little after 2pm it was mobbed and we had a 40 minute wait. Thank god for smart phones -- Amelia watched Peppa Pig videos on mine and Charlie played games on Mike's. We didn't get home till 4:30 or so, at which point I did absolutely nothing until putting Amelia to bed at 7:30. 

At. 8:30 my friend Valerie called to ask if she could invite herself over to watch the Oscars, since her husband had a 9pm job interview via Skype and she wanted to be out of the house. So we had an impromptu Oscars party with beer, popcorn and fudge stripes. I told her next time if she actually gives me warning I might even  have food in the house :-P

This morning we got off to a rough start with me oversleeping until exactly 12 minutes before we had to be out the door to the bus stop -- oops!! I guess I can't count on Amelia to be my alarm clock any more!! 

After I recover from having to shake Charlie awake and get him out the door in record time I have grand plans to clean out some closets today -- fun times!

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